I am a writer, artist, and scholar. My research focuses on overlaps in art and medicine, with special attention to spaces where queer and trans artists create alternative forms of knowing and healing. I write about artists as rogue scientists and performance as a health justice methodology.

My background is in queer media. I’ve written a series of self-help style sex and relationship books, most recently The Lesbian Sex Bible which won a Lambda Literary Award. I was host of an infamously bombastic nightly talk show on SiriusXM called The Diana Cage Show. 

I started writing about sex and sexuality as editor of On Our Backs, a political, pornographic magazine significant to the sex positive movement. I later worked as editor at the queer art and culture magazine Velvetpark: Dyke Culture in Bloom.

My work in niche sex advice spaces continues to shape my thinking on queer bodies and communal health. 

Since 2015 I have worked with What Would an HIV Doula Do?, a collective of artists, scholars, and activists, who work to bring attention to the HIV/AIDS epidemic as an ongoing, intersectional reality. I am also a performer and  dramaturg in the poets theater company Beautiful Moments in Popular Culture.

I teach Gender Studies at San Francisco State University.  I hold an MFA in Creative Writing and am currently pursuing a PhD at UC Davis.